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Geodäsie (DGK)


Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms

This index was compiled to the best of our knowledge, but it cannot guarantee completeness and correctness. Any liability is excluded in the case of incorrect data. Numerous abbreviations/acronyms may have multiple meanings, which are indicated wherever possible. Indicated organisations do not necessarily still exist: they may have disassembled or been renamed. Slightly different terms having the same meaning are marked by “/”. If you find mistakes or incomplete information, please inform us at <post(at)dgk.badw.de>. We thank you for your cooperation.

Links to further glossaries:

Geoinformatik-Service (Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformatik (GG) AUF Universität Rostock)

  • International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)
2MASSTwo Micron All Sky Survey
2MASSTwo Micron All Sky Survey
AACAssociated Analysis Centre
AAMAtmospheric Angular Momentum
ABLOSAdvisory Board on the Law of the Sea
ACAnalysis Coordinator
ACAnalysis Centre (Center)
ACESAtomic Clock Ensemble in Space
ADCPacoustic doppler current profiler
ADDNEQadd normal equation files
AdVArbeitsgemeinschaft der Vermessungsverwaltungen der Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
AERAtmospheric and Environmental Research Inc.
AFISOAnatolian Fault Integrated Seismogenic Observatory
AGIVAgency of Geographic Information Vlaanderen (Agency for Geographical. Information Flanders)
AGK2Zweiter Katalog der Astronomischen Gesellschaft (Second Catalogue of the Astronomical Society)
AGNActive Galactic Nuclei
AGNESAutomatisches GPS Netz Schweiz (Automated GPS Network of Switzerland )
AGRSActive GPS Reference System
AGUAmerican Geophysical Union
AICASAstronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
AIUBAstronomical Institute, University of Bern
AKDAAlaska Deformation Array
ALKISAmtliches Liegenschaftskataster-Informationssystem
AMONAustrian Monitoring Network
ANTEXAntenna Exchange Format
APCAntenna Phase Centre
APCVAntenna Phase Centre Variation
APKIMActual Plate Kinematic Model and Crustal Deformation Model
APOSAustrian Positioning System
APRGPAsia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project
APSGAsia-Pacific Space Geodynamics
APTAsia Pacific Telescope
ARPAautomatic radar plotting aid
asarc seconds
asapas soon as possible
ASCOSSatellitenreferenzdienst der EON Ruhrgas AG
ASIAgenzia Spaziale Italiana / Telespazio S.p.A., Space Geodesy Center, Italy
ATKISAmtliches Topographisch-Kartographische Informationssystem (Authoritative Topographic Cartographic Information System)
ATNFAustralia Telescope National Facility
AUSLIGAustralian Surveying and Land Information Group
AVISOArchiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic data
AVNAllgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten
AWGAnalysis Working Group
AWIAlfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
AWSAutomatic Weather Station
BALTPOSBaltic Positioning System
BARDBay Area Regional Deformation
BARGENBasin And Range Geodetic Network
BCRSBaryzentrisches Zälestisches Bezugssystem (Barycentric Celestial Reference System)
BEKBayerische Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung (Bavarian Commission for Global Geodesy), München
BEV(Österreichisches) Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen / (Austrian) Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying
BfGBundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
BGGBulletin of Geodesy and Geomatics Information
BGIBureau Gravimetrique International / International Gravimetric Bureau
BGRBundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
BIHBureau International de l'Heure
BIPMBureau International des Poids et Mesures
BKGBundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (German Federal Agency of Cartography and Geodesy)
BLRBroad Line Region
BLRBaltic Levelling Ring
BMbench mark
BMBFBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
BNCBKG Ntrip client
BNsBKG Ntrip service
BStMWFKBayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
BSWBernese Software
BTSBIH Terrestrial System
BUGFBritiash Isles GPS archive Facility
BULREFBulgarian Reference Network
CASACentral And South America Geodynamics GPS Project
CATREFCombination and Analysis of Terrestrial Reference Frames
CBCentral Bureau
CCCombination Centre
CCDCharge-Coupled Device
CCIRInternational Radio Consultative Committee
CCMConsultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities
CCPCommunication Control Program
CCPCalibrator Characteristic Parameters
CCTFComité Consultatif des Temps et Fréquences
CDDISNASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System
CDPNASA Crustal Dynamics Project
CEDRCenter for Earth Dynamics Research
CEGRNCentral European GPS Geodynamic Reference Network
CEICentral European Initiative
CEOCelestial Ephemeris Origin
CEOSCommittee on Earth Observersion Satellites
CEPCelestial Ephemeris Pole
CERCOComité Européean des Responsables de la Cartographic Officielle
CERCOComité Européean des Responsables de la Cartographic Officielle
CERGACentre d'Etudes et de Recherches Géodynamiques et Astronomiques
CERGOPCentral Europe Regional Geodynamics Project
CfAHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
cfpcall for participation
CGPSContinuous Global Positioning System
CGSCentre di Geodesia Spatiale, ASI
CH-CGNSwiss Combined Geodetic Network
CHAMPChallenging Mini-Satellite Payload for Geo-scientific Research and Applications Program
CHCGNSwiss Combined Geodetic Network
CIGNETCooperative International GPS Net
CIOConventional International Origin
CIPCelestial Intermediate Pole
CLGCentral Laboratory for Geodesy
CLSCollecte Localisation Satellites (Toulouse)
CMBcore-mantle boundary
CMGCommittee on Mathematical Geophysics
CMT(Harvard) Centroid Moment Tensor
CNESCentre National d'Etudes spatiales
CNRSCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique
COBCommunication and Outreach Branch
CODCentre for Orbit Determination
CODECentre for Orbit Determination in Europe
COEEuropean solution created at CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe)
COFcenter of figure
COGICommission interservice group on Geographic Information (coordinating committee for GI (Geo-Information)
COPUOSCommittee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
CORE[NASA] Continuous Observations of the Rotation of the Earth
CORSContinuously Operating Reference Stations
COSTEuropean Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research
COSTOPCostal Geosurface Topography
CPPCombination Pilot Project
CPUcentral processing unit
CRCCombination Research Centers
CRFCelestial Reference Frame
CRLCommunications Research Laboratory
CROPOSCroatian Positioning System
CRSCelestial Reference System
CRSCoordinate Reference System
CryosatCryosphere [observation] Satellite
CSRCenter for Space Research
CSTGCommission on International Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy and Geodynamics
CTBTComprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
CTDconductivity, temperature and depth sensor
CTIOCerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
CTRFConventional Terrestrial Reference Frame
CTRSConventional Terrestrial Reference System
CWChandler Wobble
CZEPOSCzech Positioning System
DAADDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
DABDigital Audio Broadcasting
DANOFDépartement d'Astronomie Fondamentale
DAOGSFC Data Assimilation Office
DBDirecting Board
DCData Centre
dddouble differences
DEO (SDEOS)Delft Institute for Earth-Orientated Space Research, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
DEVFDense European Velocity Field
DFDDeutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum
DFGDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
DFHRSDigital FEM Height Reference Surface
DGFIDeutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (German Geodetic Research Institute), München
DGfKDeutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie (German Society for Cartography)
DGKDeutsche Geodätische Kommission (German Geodetic Commission)
DGMDigitales Geländemodell
DGM50Digitales Geländemodell 1 : 50.000
DGNSSDifferential GNSS
DGONDeutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation
DGPFDeutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (German Society for Photogrametry and Remote Sensing)
DGPSDifferential GPS (Differential Global Positioning System)
DHHNDeutsches Haupthöhennetz
DIODEDétermination Immédiate d'Orbite par Doris Embarqué
dIRdraft implementation rules
DLMDgitales Landschaftsmodell
DLRDeutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt eV / Deutsche Agentur für Luft- und Raumfahrt
DMADefense Mapping Agency
DOGSDGFI Orbit & Geodetic Parameter Estimation Software
DOIDigital Object Identifier
DOMESDirectory Of MERIT Sites (originally; now of more general use)
DOPDilution of Precision
DORISDoppler Orbit determination and Radiopositioning Integrated on Satellite
DOSENASA Dynamics of Solid Earth
doyday of year
DPMSDahlgren Polar Monitoring Service
DPSdigital photogrammetric station
DREFDeutsches Referenznetz
DSNJPL Deep Space Network
DTData Specification
DTKDeutsche Topographische Karte
DTK50Deutsche Topographische Karte 1 : 50.000
DTMMilitary Topography Directorate, Romania
DUTDelft University of Technology
DVWDeutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen
DWDDeutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service)
EADSEuropean Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
EALÉchelle atomique libre
EBRYEastern Basin and Range/Yellowstone
ECCOEstimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean
ECGNEuropean Combined Geodetic Network
ECMWFEuropean Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (Forecasting)
ECSelectronic chart system
EEEquation of the Equinoxes
EGGEuropean Gravimetric (Quasi-)Geoid
EGG97European Gravimetric (Quasi)Geoid 1997
EGGPEuropean Gravity and Geoid Project
EGIIEuropean Geographic Information Infrastructure
EGMEuropean Global Map
EGMEarth Gravitational Model
EGM96Earth Gravity Model 1996
EGNEuropean Geographical Names / EuroGeoNames
EGNOSEuropean Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EGSEuropean Geophysical Society
EGVAPEUMETNET GPS water vapour programme
eGYElectronic Geophysical Year
EMEarth Modell
EMREnergy, Mines and Resources Canada (replaced by NRCan)
ENSGEcole Nationale de Sciences Geographiques
ENVISATEnvironment [observation] Satellite
EOCEarth Orientation Centre
eofend of file
eofempirical orthogonal function
EOPEarth Orientation Parameters
EOPGSEcole et Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg
EOSSEuropean Sea Level Observing System
EPCMEngineering Procurement Construction Management / Enhanced Planning Control Message
EPFLEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
EPIGGOSEuropean (Project) IGGOS
EPNEuropean Permanent GPS Network
EPN CBEUREF Permanent GPS Network Central Bureau
EQG97European Gravimetric Quasigeoid 1997
ERAEarth Rotation Angle
ERAFEuropean Remote Sensing Aircraft Facility
ERISEarth Resources Inventory System
ERISEarth Rotation Information System
ERMEuropean Regional Map
ERPEarth Rotation Parameter(s)
ERSEarth Resources Satellite
ERSEuropean Remote Sensing Satellite
ESAEuropean Space Agency
ESDIEuropean Spatial Data Infrastructure
ESEASEuropean Sea Level Service
ESFEuropean Science Foundation
ESIEssential Science Indicators
ESOCEuropean Space Agency Operational Center
ESTECEuropean Space Technology Center
ETALONRussian Passive Satellite Series for Geodetic Measurements
ETeMIIEuropean Territorial Management Information Infrastructure
ETHZEidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Federal Technical University Zurich)
EUEuropean Union
EUCOSEumetnet Composite Observing System
EULISEuropean Land Information Service
EUMETNETEuropean Meteorological Services Network
EUPOSEuropean Position Determination System
EUREFIAG Reference Frame Sub-commission for Europe / EuropeanReference Frame / IAG Subcommission European Reference Frame
EUREF-IPEUREF Internet Protocoll
Euro SDREuropean Spatial Data Research
EuroDEMEuropäisches DGM
EuroGeoNameEuropean Geographical Names
EUROLASEuropean Consortium of Laser Ranging Stations
EuroRoadSpan-European Road Solution
EuroSDIEuropean Spatial Data Infrastructure (formerly OEEPE)
EuroSDREuropean spatial data research
EuroSpecEuropean Specifications for Reference Data
EUVNEuropean Vertical Network
EVFEuropean Velocity Field
EVNEuropean VLBI Network
ExG-GEuroGeographics Expert Group for Geodesy
FAGSFederation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services
FAMEFull-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer
FBMfundamental benchmark network
FCNFree Core Nutation
FDSNFederation of Digital Seismographic Networks
FEMFinite Element Model
FEOMfinite-element ocean model
FESGlobal Tide Finite Element Solution Assimilating Tide Gauge and Altimetric Information
FESGForschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie der TU München
FFIForsvarets forskningsinstitutt
FGIFinnish Geodetic Institute
FGSForschungsgruppe Satellitengeodäsie
FICNFree Inner Core Nutation
FIGInternational Federation of Surveyors / Fédération Internationale des Géomètres / Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure
FK5Fifth Fundamental Catalogue
FLEPOSFlemish Positioning Service
FOPFinal Operational Phase
FPFramework Programme
FReDNetFriuli Regional Deformation Network
FTBGFakultätentag für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie
FTPFile Tranfer Protocoll
FYFiscal Year
GAGANGPS and GEO Augmented Navigation system
GAGOSgeodetic and geohazard observation system
GAIAGlobal space astrometry mission der ESA
GALILEAGalileo local elements augmentation
GALILEOEuropean Satellite Navigation System
GaMaGeodesy Mapping
GAOUAMain Astronomical Observatory of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
GAUSGeoscience Australia
GBASGround Based Augmentation Systems
GbpsGigabit per second
GBSSGeodetic Base Station Software
GCMGeneral Command of Mapping Turkey
GCRSGeozentrisches Zälestisches Bezugssystem (Geocentric Celestial Reference System)
GCSGalileo Core System
GCSGeodetic Consulting Services
GCSGeographic Coordinate System
GDI-DEGeodateninfrastruktur Deutschland
GEMGoddard Earth Model
GEOGroup of Earth Observtions
GEODACGeodynamic Data and Analysis Center
GEOMARMarine Geo-Science-Center
GEONASGEOdynamic Network of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
GEOSATGeodetic Satellite (US Navy)
GEOSSGlobal Earth Observation System of Systems
GESSGalileo Experimental Sensor Station
GESSGlobal Earthquake Satellite System
GFOGEOSAT Follow-On Mission
GFZGeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
GGFCGlobal Geophysical Fluids Centre
GGMGravity Geologic Method
GGOSGlobal Geodetic Observing System (cf. IGGOS)
ggpglobal geodynamics project
GGSPGeodetic Galileo Service Provider / Galileo Geodesy Service Provider
GIAglacial isostatic adjustment
GIMGlobal Ionospheric Maps
GiMoDigGeospatial info-mobility service by real-time data-integration and generalisation
GIOVEGalileo In-Orbit Validation Element
GIPSYGPS-Inferred Positioning System
GISSGoddard Institute for Space Studies
GIUBGeodetic Institute of the University of Bonn
GLOBALGlobales VLBI Experiment
GLOCHANTGroup of Specialists on Global Change and the Antarctic
GLONASSGlobal Orbiting Navigation Satellite System
GLOSSGlobal Sea Level Observing System
GLOUPGLObal Undersea Pressure
GMESGlobal Monitoring for Environment and Security
GMSGround Mission Segment
GMSTGreenwich Mean Sidereal Time
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System
GOGeodetic Observatory
GOCEGravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (ESA)
GOPGeodetic Observatory Pecny, Czech Republic
GPLGeneral Public License
GPPSGeodetic Post-processing Positioning Service
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPS(NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System
GPTGlobal Pressure and Temperature
GRACEGravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (Mission USA/Germany)
GRBGamma Ray Bursts / Gamma Ray Burster
GREF(Integrated) German Reference Network
GRGSGroupe de Recherches de Géodésie Spatiale
GRSGeodetic Reference System
GRSPGeodetic Reference Service Provider
GSDIGlobal Spatial Data Infrastructure
GSF(NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center, (Greenbelt, USA)
GSFCGoddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
GSIGeographical Survey Institute
GSMGlobal System of Mobile Communication
GSSGalileo sensor station
GSTGreenwich Sidereal Time
GTRFGalileo Terrestrial Reference Frame
GTSGreat Trigonometrical Survey
GTSGlobal Telecommunication System
GTSPGalileo Time Service Provider
GTZDeutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
GVaPGlobal Water Vapour Project
GVRSglobal vertical reference system
HDAPShydrographic data acquisition and processing system
HRSHeight Reference System
I&FInstrumentation and Facilities
IAAInstitute of Applied Astronomy, St. Petersburg
IACSInternational Association of Cryospheric Sciences
IAGInternational Association of Geodesy
IAGAInternational Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
IAHSInternational Association of Hydrological Sciences
IAINInternational Association of Institutes of Navigation
IAMASInternational Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
IAPGInstitut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie
IAPSOInternational Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
IARASInstitute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences (formerly: LPAC; see also INASAN)
IASInternational Altimeter Service
IASPEIInternational Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior
IASPOInternational Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean
IAUInternational Astronomical Union
IAVCEIInternational Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior
IBSIAG Bibliographic Service
ICAInternational Cartographic Association
ICCInter-Commission Committees
ICCGSInter-Commission Committee on Geodetic Standards
ICCPGInter-Commission Committee on Planetary Geodesy
ICCTInter-Commission Committee for Theory
ICESatIce, Cloud,and Land Elevation Satellite
ICETInternational Centre for Earth Tides
ICGInternational Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems
ICGEMInternational Center for Global Earth Models
ICGFCInstitute for Cadastre, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Romania
ICGRSInternet-enabled Geodetic Reference System
ICRFInternational Celestial Reference Frame
ICRSInternational Celestial Reference System
ICSUInternational Council for Science
IDSInternational DORIS Service
IERSInternational Earth Rotation Service / International Earth Rotation and Reference Frame Service
IESGInternet Engineering Steering Group
IESSGInstitute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy, University of Nottingham
IEWPInternational Early Warning Programme
IfAGInstititut für Angewandte Geodäsie (jetzt “ Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie - BKG)”
IfE HannoverInstitut für Erdmessung, Universität Hannover (Institute for Global Geodesy University Hannover)
IFEOMinverse finite-element ocean circulation model
IGDGInternet-based Global Differential GPS
IGEInstituto Geografico Nacional - Spain
IGeSInternational Geoid Service
IGEXInternational GLONASS Experiment
IGFSInternational Gravity Field Service
IGGCInternational Gravity and Geoid Commission
IGGOSIntegrated Global Geodetic Observing System (cf. GGOS)
IGMIIstituto Geografico Militare Italiano (Italian Military Geographic Institute)
IGNInstitut Géographique National, France
IGOSIntegrated Global Observation Strategy
igos-pigos Partnership
IGOS-PIntegrated Global Observation Strategy Partnership
IGRIGS rapid (orbit)
IGRTIGS rapid time (products)
IGSInternational GPS Service (for Geodynamics)
IGSNInternational Geodetic Space Network
IGSTIGS time scale
IGUIGS 'ultra-rapid' satellite orbits
IHOInternational Hydrographic Organization
IHPInternational Hydrological Programme
ILPInternational Lithosphere Project
ILRSInternational Laser Ranging Service
ILSInternational Latitude Service
IMAGIInterministerieller Ausschuss für Geoinformationswesen
IMSInteroperable Map Software
IMTAInternational Map Trade Organization
INASANINstitut AStronomii Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
INDIGOInter-service Data Integration for Geodetic Operations
INSinertial navigation system
InSARInterferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
INSPIREInfrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe
INSUInstitut des Sciences de l'Univers
INTERREGEU Interregional Co-operation Programme
IOCInitial Operational Capability
IONInstitute of Navigation
IPInternet Protocoll
ipccintergovernmental Commission on Limate Change
IPCCintergovernmental Commission on Limate Change
IPGPInstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris
IPGPInstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris
IPMSInternational Polar Motion Service
IPWVintegrated precipitable water vapour
IRimplementing rules
IRDInstitut de Recherche pour le Développement
IRIInternational Reference Ionosphere
IRISInternational Radio-Interferometric Surveying
IRISIncorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
IRMIERS Reference Meridian
IRNSSIndian Regional Navigation Satellite System
IRPIERS Reference Pole
IRSMInstitute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech. Republic
iscinternational service centre
ISDCInformation System and Data Center
ISESIntegrated Solid Earth Science
ISGIntegrated Survey Grid
ISGIndian Society of Geomatics
ISGNInternational Space Geodetic and Gravimetric Network
ISMASSAntarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISPRSInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ISROIndian Space Research Organization
ISSIInternational Space Science Institute
ITCInternational Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences
ITRFInternational Terrestrial Reference Frame
ITRSInternational Terrestrial Reference System
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
ITU-RInternational Telecommunication Union, Radiocommunication Sector
IUGGInternational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
IVRSInternational Vertical Reference System
IVSInternational VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
IWVintegrated water vapour
JADEJapanese Dynamic Earth observation by VLBI
JASONJoint Altimetry Satellite Oceanography Network (Extended ocean surface topography mission (NASA / CNES))
JB-GISJoint Board of the Geospatial Information Societies
JCETJoint Center for Earth System Technology, GSFC
JHDJapan Hydrographic Department
JIVEJoint Institute for VLBI in Europe
JMAJapan Meteorological Agency
jogJournal of Geodesy
JoGJournal of Geodesy
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA
JRCJoint Research Centre
JRCJoint Research Centre
KEOFKalman Earth Orientation Filter
KMSKort & Matrikelstyrelsen (Denmark)
LACLocal Analysis Center
LAGEOSLaser Geodynamics Satellite (NASA)
LANLocal Area Network
LAREGLaboratoire de Recherche en Geodesie
LATPOSLatvian Positioning System
LEALaboratory of Ephemeris Astronomy, IAA
LEGOSLaboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales
LEOLow Earth Orbiting Satellite
LGITLaboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique
LGNLandesvermessung + Geobasisinformation Niedersachsen
LGNLocal Geodynamic Network
LIDARlight detection and ranging
LLRLunar Laser Ranging
LMOLegally Mandated Organisation(s)
LNALaboratório Nacional de Astrofísica
LODLength of Day
LORANLOng RAnge Navigation
LOSloss of signal
LOSline of sight
LPCELaboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement
LPTBundesamt fuer Landestopographie (L+T), Switzerland; jetzt: SWISSTOPO
LSleast squares (adjustment)
LSGLarge-Scale Graphics
LSGERLaboratory of Space Geodesy and Earth Rotation, IAA
LSILarge-Scale Integration
LSMland surface model
LSQleast squares collocation
LTSLong-Term Solution
MAGINOTMediterranean Alpine Geophysical INsitu ObservaTories
mcminimum constraint
MCCRussian Mission Control Centre
MCEPmean Celestial Ephemeris Pole
MEGRINMultipurpose European Ground Related Information Network
MERITMonitoring Earth Rotation and Intercomparison of Techniques
MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology
MJDModified Julian Day
MLEmaximum likelihood estimator
MLRSMcDonald Observatory Laser Ranging Station
MOCNESSmultiple opening and closing net and environmental sensory system
MOLDPOSMoldavian Positioning System
MoUMemorandum of Unterstanding
MPIfRMax-Plank-Institut für Radioastronomie
MRDBMulti Resolution Data Base
MSLMean Sea Level
MSSHmean sea surface height
MST/ISMesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere / Incoherent Scatter
MTLRSModulares Transportables Laserentfernungsmesssystem
NACLRNational Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, Romania
NALNational Aerospace Laboratory
NAONational Astronomical Observatory
NAOMZNational Astronomical Observatory, Mizusawa branch
NAPNormaal Amsterdams Peil (Normal Amsterdam Level)
NASA[U.S.] National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAVNET(U.S.) Navy VLBI Network
NCAR(U.S.) National Center for Atmospheric Research
NCEP(U.S.) National Center for Environmental Prediction
NCLUniversity of Newcastle upon Tyne
NEOS(U.S.) National Earth Orientation Service
NEQnormal equation (files)
NERCNatural Environment Research Council
NETPOSNetherlands Positioning System
NEUNorth, East, Up components
NGDBNationale Geodatenbasis
NGDBNationale Geodatenbasis
NGNNational Gravimetric Network
NGNNational Geodetic Network
NGOSNordic Geodetic Observing System
NGOSNordic Geodetic Observing System
NGS(U.S.) National Geodetic Survey
NIMA(U.S.) National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NIPRNational Institute for Polar Research
NKGNordic Geodetic Commission (Nordiska Kommisjonen for Geodesi)
NKGG(Deutsches) Nationalkomitee für Geodäsie und Geophysik
NLNNational Levelling Network
NLSNational Land Survey
NMANational Mapping Agency
NMCNational Meteorological Center (replaced by NCEP)
NMCANational Mapping and Cadastre Agencies
NMFNeill Mapping Function
NMSNetwork Management Systems
NNSSNavy Navigation Satellite System
NOAA(U.S.) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOCGCNational Office for Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography, Romania
NoENetwork of Excellence
NOFSUSNO Flagstaff Station
NPCNational Project Coordinator
NPLNational Physical Laboratory
NPMLick Northern Proper Motion Program
NRAO(U.S.) National Radio Astronomy Observatory
NRCanNatural Resources Canada (formerly: EMR)
NRLNaval Research Laboratory
NRONon-Rotating Origin
NRTnear real-time
nscnational service centre
NSDINational Spatial Data Infrastructure
NSFNational Science Foundation
NSIDCNational Snow and Ice Data Center
NSNNational Space Network
NSSPNational Survey Seismic Protection
NSWCNaval Surface Weapons Center
NtripNetworked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol
NUVELNorthwestern University Velocity Model
NWMNumerical Weather Model
NWPNumerical Weather Prediction
OAMoceanic angular momentum
OASISOver-the-Horizon Airborne Sensor Information System
OCAObservatoire de la Côte d'Azur
OCCAMOcean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling Project
OCEorbit and clock error
OCEOrbital and Clock Error
OEEPEOrganisation Européene d'Etudes Photogrammétriques Expérimentales / European Organization for Experimental Photogrammetric Research (now EuroSDI)
OHPOperational Hydrological Programme
OLGObservatory Lustbühel Graz, Austria
OMCIOrganisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime
OOSAUnited Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
OPObservatoire de Paris
OSOOnsala Space Observatory
OSUOhio State University
OTCIXSofficer-in tactical-command information exchange system
OTH-Tover-the-horizon targeting
OTLocean tidal loading
paipositioning accurcy improvement
PANGAPAcific Northwest GPS Array
PBOPlate Boundary Observatory
PCProduct Centre
PCAPrinciple Component Analysis
PCFposition calculation function
PCVphase center variation(s)
PDOPPercent Dilution of Position
PDOPPosition Dilution of Precision
PGRpost-glacial rebound
PIpricipal investigator
PIVEXPlatform Independent VLBI Exchange Format
PMProgramme Manager
POLProudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston, UK
PPPilot Project
ppbparts per billion (10'-9)
ppmparts per million (10'-6)
PPPPublic Private Partnership
PRAREPrecise RAnge and Range-Rate Equipment
PSLRPortable Satellite Laser Ranging System
PSMSLPermanent Service for Mean Sea Level
PWVprecipitable water vapor
PZTPhotographic Zenith Tube (Telescope)
QCquality control
qiquality indicator
RAright ascension
Radarsat AMMRadarsat Antarctic Mapping Mission
RADCOMradio communications
RAOBRadiosonde Observation
RASANTRadio Aided Satellite Navigation Technique
RBFRéseau de Base Français
RBFRadial Basis Function
RDCRegional Data Centre
RDNResearch Data Network
RDNResource Discovery Network
RDSRadio Data System
RFIradio frequency interference
RGPRéseau Géodésique Permanente (French Permanent GPS Network)
RIResearch Infrastructure
RIMSRanging and Integrity Monitoring Stations
RINEXReceiver INdependent EXchange format
RISEReference Frame Specifictions for Europe
rms, RMSRoot Mean Square
RNAACRegional Network Associated Analysis Centre
RNAAC SIRRegional Network Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS (IGS)
ROBRoyal Observatory of Belgium
ROVremotely operated vehicle
RRFIDUSNO Radio Reference Frame Image Database
RSCRadio Source Coordinates
RSLrelative sea level
RTReal-Time (products)
RTACReal-time Analysis Centre
RTCARadio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTCMRadio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
RTKreal time kinematic applications
RTWGReal-Time Working Group
SABESeamless Aadministration Boundaries of Europe
SAOSmithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
SAPOSSatelliten-Positionier-System der AdV / Satellitenpositionierungsdienst der deutschen Landesvermessung
SARSynthetic Aperture Radar
SBSpecial Bureau
SBLSpecial Bureau for Loading
SCARScientific Committee on Antarctic Research
SCCset of station coordinates
scgsuper conducting gravimetre
SCIGALEarth Science Applications using GALILEO
SCIGNSouthern California Integrated GPS Network
SDICSpatial Data Interest Communities
SEASshipboard environmental (data) acquisition system
seavarsea level variation
SEDIStudy of the Earth Deep Interior
SELENESELenological and ENgineering Explorer
SFB78Sonderforschungsbereich 78
SGO - FOMISatellite Geodetic Observatory, Hungary
SHAShanghai Observatory
SISystème International (International System of Units)
SIGSpecial Interest Group(s)
SIMNASA's Space Interferometry Mission
SIMBService d'Installation et de Maintenance des Balises DORIS
SINEXSolution (Software/technique) INdependent EXchange Format / Software independent exchange format
SIOScripps Institution of Oceanography
SIRALSynthetic Aperture Interferometric Radar Altimeter
SIRGASSistema de Referencia Geocéntrico para las Américas (Sistema de Referencia Geocéntrico para América del Sur)
sissignal in space
SISASignal to Signal Accuray
SISESignal in Space Error
SISEsignal in space error
SLRSatellite Laser Ranging
SMASlovenian Mapping Agency (Geodetska Uprava Republike Slovenije)
SNAPSphärische neue lineare analytische Approximation
SNRsignal-to-noise ratio
SODCNES Service d'Orbitographie DORIS
SOFAStandards of Fundamental Astronomy
SOPACScripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center
SPspecial project
SPBUSt Petersburg University
SPMYale/San Juan Southern Proper Motion Program
SRIFSquare Root Information Filter array
SSALTOSegment Sol multi-mission d'ALTimétrie, d'Orbitographie et de localisation précise
SSCSets of Stations Coordinates
SSHsea surface height
SSHAsea surface height anomaly
SSTSea Surface Topography
SSTSatellite-to-Satellite Tracking
SSTopSea Surface Topography
SSVSets of Stations Velocities
StMWFKBayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
SUTSlovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovakia
SWEPOSSwedish network of permanent reference stations / Swedish Positioning System
SWIPOSSwiss Positioning System
TAITemps Atomique International (International Atomic Time)
TCTechnique Centre
TCBTemps-coordonnée barycentrique (Barycentric Coordinate Time, Baryzentrische Koordinatenzeit )
TCGTemps-coordonnée géocentrique (Geocentric Coordinate Time)
TDBDynamische Baryzentrische Zeit (Temps Dynamique Barycentrique / Barycentric Dynamical Time)
TDTTerrestrial Dynamical Time
TECTotal Electron Content
TEMPOTime and Earth Motion Precision Observations
TEOTerrestrial Ephemeris Origin
TGtide gauge(s)
TGBTide Generating Potential
TIGATide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring Project (IGS)
TIGAIGS GPS Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring
TIGOTransportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory
TMAthree mirror anastigmat
TN(IERS) Technical Note
TNGRNNew Turkish National GPS RTK Network
toctable of contents
TOPEXTyphoon Operational Experiment
TOPO-EUROPE4D Topography Evolution in Europe: Uplift, Subsidence and Sea Level Rise
ToRTerms of Reference
TOStiga observation station
TOUGHTargeting Optimal Use of GPS Humidity Measurements in Meteorology
TRF / TRSTerrestrial Reference Frame / Terrestrial Reference System
TStrime series
TTTerrestrial Time
TUTechnische Universität / Technical University
TUMTechnische Universität München
TWGTechnical / Thematical Working group
UCACUSNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
UCARUniversity Consortium for Atmospheric Research
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UEGNUnited European Gravity Network
UEREUser Equivalent Range Error
UFAFUniversity of Federal Armed Forces, Munich (cf UWB)
UKMOU.K. Meteorological Office
UMBCUniversity of Coimbra
UNAVCOUNiversity NAvstar COnsortium
UniBwUniversität der Bundeswehr München (cf UFAF)
UNIGRACEUnification of Gravity System in Central and Eastern Europe
UNOOSAUnited Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
UPAUniversita di Padova, Italy
UPADUniversita di Padova and Telespazio S.P.A.
UPDupdated product(s)
URLUniform Resource Locator
URSIUnion Radio-Scientifique Internationale
USNOUnited States Naval Observatory
UT (0,1, 2)Universal Time (0, 1, 2)
UTCCoordinated Universal Time / Universal Time Coordinated
UTEXUniversity of Texas
UTMUniversal Transverse Mercator Coordinate System
UTXMOUniversity of Texas McDonald Observatory
UWBUniversität der Bundeswehr München (cf UFAF)
VDOPVertical Dilution of Precision
VLBAVery Long Baseline Array
VLBIVery Long Baseline Interferometry
VMFVienna Mapping Function
VOLVariations of Latitude
VRSVirtual Reference Stations
VRSVertical Reference System
VS NIIFTRIEast-Siberian Research Institute for Physics-technical and Radio-technical Measurements
VSIVLBI Standard Interface
VTECVertival Total Electron Content
VUGTKResearch Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby, Czech Republic
WAASWide Area Augmentation System
WEGENERWorking Group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earth science Research
WFSWeb Feature Services
WGWorking Group
WGRFIAU Working Group on Reference Frames
WGS84World Geodetic System 1984
WHFworld height frame
WHSWorld Height System
WI-FIWireless Fidelity
WiPKAWissensbasierter Photogrammetrish-Kartographischer Arbeitsplatz
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
WLRSWettzell Laser Ranging System
WMOWorld Meteorological Organisation / World Organisation of Meteorology
WMSWeb Map Services
WPWork(ing) Package
WRMSWeighted Root Mean Square
wrtwith respet to
WSVWasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung (Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration)
WUTWarsaw University of Technology, Poland
WVRwater vapour radiometer
XBTexpendable bathythermograph
ZADIZentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und -information
zfvZeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen)
ZHDzenith hydrostatic delay
ZPDzenith path delay
ZTDzenith troposphere delay
ZWDzenith wet delay